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Planning Board Minutes 02/01/1996



FEBRUARY 1, 1996

PRESENT:  Chairman Fred Fenton, Jeff Andrews, Stephen MacCleery, Paul Adams, Ron Lesieur, Jeff Jordan, Brandon Giuda,  Secretary Andrea Deachman

Chairman Fenton called the meeting to order at 7:00pm and requested the Board to review the minutes from January 4, 1996.

Motion was made to accept the minutes as written.

                          MacCleery/Giuda            (Passed)

PRELIMINARY HEARING:                    Craig Keeler
                                                Home Occupation - Real Estate
                                                Map 6, Lot 21, Canterbury Road

Mr. Keeler presented the Board with his Home Occupation application and a sketch of the property.  The Board was in agreement to proceed with a public hearing.

Public Hearing will be setup for March 7, 1996.

PRELIMINARY HEARING:                    Peter Hammen
                                                Map 8, Lot 25, Bear Hill Road

Mark Stevens surveyor representing Mr. Hammen presented the Board with preliminary plans.  Mr. Hammen is subdividing one buildable lot from his property.

After some discussion the Board was in agreement to proceed with a public hearing.

Public Hearing will be setup for March 7, 1996.

DISCUSSION:                             Harold Hannaford/Judith Lessels Owner
                                                Home Occupation - Inspection Station
                                                Map 9, Lot 34, Route 28

TOWN OF CHICHESTER PLANNING BOARD                         MINUTES OF   2/1/96     PAGE 2

Mr. Hannaford would like to start a small business of inspecting automobiles.

After much discussion the Board was in agreement Mr. Hannaford would need to do a site review because of the change in use.

The Board reviewed the site review checklist with Mr. Hannaford and waived the following:

Number 7 and number 13 - water supply.

The Board had a concern as to taxation.  Andrea will check with Judy whether this property is residential or commercial.

Preliminary Hearing will be setup March 7, 1996.

DISCUSSION:                             George Dennison
                                                Site Plan Review
                                                Map 9, Lot 20, Kelly Corner Road

Mr. Dennison needs to complete a site plan review because of the expansion of his business which is now considered commercial.

The Board was concerned about the property having no septic and the employees using the facilities at the Dennison residences on the next lot.  The Board requested state approval for this usage.

The Board reviewed the site review checklist with Mr. Dennison and waived the following:

Number 27 and number 29.

Mr. Dennison will contact Andrea when he has gotten everything in order.


Some of the Board members have noticed that the Bed & Breakfast on Route 28 is now serving breakfast to the public.  The Board knows complaint procedures.


The Board discussed Master Plan updating.

Board members were in agreement that the first Thursday after regular meetings was just too much and have set a date to meet among themselves.

Motion was made to adjourn.

Meeting adjourned at 9:20pm.

                        Andrews/MacCleery       (Passed)

                                                        Respectfully submitted,